Sani-Check BF Dipslides


The Sani-Check BF dipslide makes the determination of bacterial and fungal counts fast and simple. Each side of the dipslide is coated with a different medium, one side being selective for fungi and the other for bacteria. Aerobic bacteria will grow on the bacteria side and their growth will be in the form of red dots, also known as colonies, on the surface of the agar. On the side designated for fungi, growth of yeast and mold will generally appear as filamentous structures. The dipslide is compared to a chart in order to get a quantitative interpretation of the results.

Quantity Price
1 - 11 $52.99
12+ $47.99

Contamination by bacteria and fungi in aqueous industrial environments can be responsible for failures in productivity resulting in economic loss. This is particularly true in metalworking fluids and stored hydrocarbon fuels, but the problem also exists in other industrial process and cooling waters.

Growth by bacteria in these systems can be responsible for corrosion, slime formation, foul odors, and decreases in fluid function. Fungal growth can also cause slime formation and objectionable odors, as well as plugging of fluid delivery lines.

In order to effectively treat contamination with biocide, levels of bacterial and fungal growth must be routinely monitored by microbial testing. The Sani-Check BF dipslide makes determination of these microbial counts fast and easy and is unique in that both measurements can be made simultaneously. Sani-Check BF bacteria and fungi test kits contain dipslides coated with an agar culture medium. Each test kit is complete and ready to use. No special equipment or training is necessary.

Each side of the dipslide is coated with a different medium, one side being selective for fungi and the other for bacteria. Almost all aerobic bacteria will grow on the side designated for those organisms. Their growth will be in the form of red dots, also known as colonies, on the surface of the agar. The dipslide is compared to a chart in order to get a quantitative interpretation of the results.

Most fungi (yeast and mold) that contaminate aqueous industrial systems will grow on Sani-Check BF dipslide. On the side designated for fungi, growth of yeast and mold will generally appear as cottony, filamentous structures. The reacted dipslide is compared to a color chart from which an estimated fungal count can be made.

The Sani-Check BF Test Kit has a six month shelf life. It can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature, but care should be taken to avoid frequent temperature changes.

Technical service related to the use of the Sani-Check BF Bacteria and Fungi Test Kit is provided free of charge. Biosan Laboratories is staffed with trained microbiologists who are available to assist you.

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